Design is a broad term. I specialize in efficient design..
What is efficient design?
As an entrepreneur you have to make many decisions. With each decision, there is a cost in time, money and/or resources. Over the years I have found that it has been prudent to understand at least a little bit about a lot of things so I could be more effective in my business analysis. One of the most common time sucks is creative design of any aspect.
As a result of not getting what I need from web, print, media and logo designers for myself or clients over the years, I took it upon myself to learn design basics for the purpose of being able to mock up a website or a corporate logo on the fly with out needing to go through a designer to get the initial job done.
I call this “efficient design” and it is skills like this that have helped me to become a well rounded consultant and liaison to designers. Web designers can no longer hide behind the work because I deeply understand what is involved. This allows me to hold their feet to the fire and make sure I am getting the highest and most efficient quality of work from any contracted designer.