Web Design / Development Projects
I don’t claim to be a Web Developer, but I can develop websites
Much like my approach to efficient graphic design, my web developing capabilities came from hitting a cog with web developers when trying to complete and deliver projects. It was so time consuming and expensive to outsource small projects so I learned how to code to the degree where I could offer clients simple out of the box web sites specializing in eCommerce. By doing this I was able to expand my horizons as a consultant and gain some insight in to the web development projects and what it takes to complete them
The areas where I have completed the most work and where I possess a commanding knowledge of front end design to back data base architecting are on the following platforms and affiliates:
- Template and Plugin Design and customization
- WooCommerce
- Stripe
- PayPal
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- WordPress SEO and Analytics
- UI / UX and buddypress
Shopify, Squarespace, Magento:
- Monthly Subscriptions
- Recurring Payments
- UI / UX
- Performance Integrations
Server / Hosting/Domain:
- WP Engine
- GoDaddy
- Blue Host
- Host Gator