Massive Action: A Guide to how to bounce back from Catastrophe
Over the past couple of months I have been flung into a lot of change. Change in my career, changes in my personal life and even some loss due to the transitional period. It seems that every couple of years, this happens to me. At first, I am usually stunned, shocked...
A young buck striving to make it in the world, what happened to work-ethic in America.
Are you out there grinding looking for work daily and coming up with nothing? Is your future looking more and more insecure as the days go by? With the government in turmoil, the job market in the trash can and with colleges teaching out-dated information at an...
America is Blowing it! The American dream, is becoming just that, a Dream.
I am 29 years old and live in America. I was born in Los Angeles, grew up with two parents (who haven't gotten divorced) that both have college educations and raised me to never depend on the government to get by. Over the past couple of years as I have struggled to...
It can always be worse, so get Grateful!
The last couple of weeks have been rough for me. I've been working O.T. trying to salvage an organization, plan for the future while tackling some personal challenges I have been faced with. It's funny how when you get so busy with your life you tend to forget where...
How to Win Friends, Influence People, Crush Competition and Kick Ass At Life!!
One of my favorite books of all time is “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. Today, I am going to break this down for you Steve Wolf style and add my own little Part to the series, we will call it Part 5) “How to crush the competition and kick...