Maybe you don’t need a Super Bowl win, just a long career.
So as I am watching Super 48 come to a close I can't help but think what a guy like Payton Manning does from the time after tonight to the pre-season months from now. Most athletes are kind of like Entrepreneurs: they never work in offices, they travel a lot, they are...
Healing the Soul and keeping it that way – Finishing 30 Day transforation
Well, it's official, the world is another year older. As we start another new year, resolutions are being made, good habits are attempting to be formed while we try to break the bad ones. With every New Year, new hope is brought to lots of people. Something I never...
Battle of the Mind: Is Personal Development Bullshit? Science, Religion?
80% Mental, 40% Physical equals 120% Confusing right? Yes if you are used to giving only 100%, but it makes perfect sense if you play at 120% I'm in the final week of my 30 day transformation and my brain is firing on all cylinders. I'm so pumped for 2014, and I have...
Steve Wolf on working part 2 of 2
PART 2 3 Weeks ago, I took a sales job to help keep me going while I continue to bootstrap my start-up company. Sure I still make a little money from my Multi-Level-Marketing company, but not nearly enough to live off of and definitely not enough to take any kind of...
10 Day Body Transformation Cleanse by PURIUM with Pictures 🙂
I know everyone raves about cleanses, the longest I have gone is 3 days with no food. My good friend and mentor Casey Combden has been raving about this particular one for the past months. He lost like 20LBS from it and you could tell. Because I come from a network...