Manage your money like a millionaire even if only make 30K per year.
I wrote a previous blog on money management where I shared some tips on how to identify where you are wasting money and then gave my own personal formula (via an downloadable excel spreadsheet found here) the gauge all of your spending. If you are coming from that...
Too Broke To Save? Here is a system anyone can follow to retire with a million dollars in the bank.
I have written many blogs on personal finance, today I am going to speak specifically about investing, but not investing from the standpoint of a 40-something somewhat wealthy person with savings in the bank, a house and a stable career he or she has been in for over...
How I made $1,200 in 15 Minutes from a beach in Nicaragua
It is not everyday that you really get to feel all of your hard work pay off. When I started currency trading 3 years ago, it was hard. There was a learning curve, and at times it seemed daunting and elusive to actually be successful at trading. I really believe that...
Time Vs. Money
2014 has been tumultuous year for a lot of people including myself. There are so many problems in the world here and abroad that it can be hard to simply focus on the task(s) at hand. It is easy to get caught up in unproductive actions when you have idle time and no...
Turning 30 (Part 2)
(You are reading part 2, to see part one, click here.) Turning 30 isn't going to be all that bad. I'm not dreading it, I am embracing it. There are so many great people who had success after 30. The Entertainment Industry. The Oprah Winfrey show didn't debut until...