I just turned 30, so what have I done with my life?
When I was 17, my mentor Mike Watson asked me to write a list of all the things I wanted in my life. Here is what I wrote -Get my own place. -Get a car. -Get a girlfriend -Get a job and be able to support myself with out the help of my family. By the time I was 18...
News, football and Pop-Culture or Vice.
(You are in Part 2 of 2, to see part 1, click here) /////and scroll down because all my favorite Vice.com videos are at the bottom of this post. It is always interesting having conversations with people when it comes to questioning their belief systems. Depending on...
Vice.com The only source for news.
As you may or may not know, I am somewhat of a political / media watch dog. If you are not sure what a media watch dog is, let me fill you in. The "Media Watchdog" is a person or organization guarding against illegal practices, unacceptable standards or inefficiency...
Turning 30 might be the greatest thing to ever happen to you or me? (Part 1)
In about a month (June 13 to be exact) I am turning 30 years old. It seems that even though I have arrived at this point in my life with a nonchalant free-spirited attitude not giving any real weight, worry or concern to the age milestone, people around me seem to...
Turning 30 (Part 2)
(You are reading part 2, to see part one, click here.) Turning 30 isn't going to be all that bad. I'm not dreading it, I am embracing it. There are so many great people who had success after 30. The Entertainment Industry. The Oprah Winfrey show didn't debut until...